Current Product Market Challenges

March 18, 2021

As we face a combination of capacity, cost increases, and extended lead times, we are working with our customers for best solutions and price protection. These are challenging, and in order to best help, we need specifics such as timelines for the project and realistic budget expectations.

The latter are a major challenge as the budgeting cost metrics used by some designers are dated, and the time lag between when the budgets are prepared, and when the owner(s) make decisions are too long and the assumptions become out of date. These result in proffered bids seemingly being unrealistic and beyond the budget set.

We recommend that you consult us for specifics depending on your needs, and we will do our best to give you current pricing projections along with expectations of what you may expect in pricing schemes. This is offered to designers as well as contractors so informed decisions on a project can be made.

Take into consideration that an early decision bodes well for all as most manufacturers are willing to work with clients on securing materials early to protect most of the cost impacts for extended timelines. Also consider a budget allowance for current market conditions.

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